Tricia Wang

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I'm a Transatlantic Fellow with the British Council

The British Counil has given me a TN2020 Transatlantic Fellowship!

TN2020 builds innovative collaborations between young North Americans and Europeans to address challenges that will define their generation.  Designed to run until 2020, we are creating an expanding network of emerging leaders (25-35 yrs.) from the fields of business, arts, academia, civil society, media, science and politics, and encouraging and empowering them to develop solutions to global issues. These young people from Europe and North America are working to revitalise links and build new connections for the future.   The network currently features 150 members from 24 different countries across the two regions: united by their creativity, leadership and global awareness, they will make TN2020 their own.

I'm super excited to spend a week in Chicagoand meet all the other fellows. These kind of events are always fun because you get to meet tons of awesome new friends!

Thanks Zadi Diaz for the recommendation!


UPDATE July 31, 2010: I had a great time in Chicago! I was part of Track 5: The Role of Innovation in the Public and Private Sector, faciliated by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce. Here are notes from my track and pictures from the summit.